Learn Dream Interpretation:
5 Ways to Unlock the
Secret Messages of Your Dreams
Join me at the New Living Expo for this talk
Sunday, April 21
11–11:45 a.m.
Room 2
San Rafael
I'll be at the Expo all weekend, April 19–21. Come to Booth 20 at the Marin County Civic Center in Rafael (just a minute away from the Embassy Suites Hotel) and get a reading or work on a dream with me.
What do you dream about at night? Do you ever wake up from a dream and wonder, "What on earth was that about?" Dreams are perplexing, moving, scary, beautiful—and figuring them out is my passion.
Whether you dream about flying cars, cats that talk, a long journey that never ends, deceased relatives, old lovers, or any wild or ordinary thing, your dreams have something to tell you. They carry messages from your deepest self. And when we decode those messages, we can get insights into every aspect of our lives, including work, relationships, and creative pursuits.
Dreams can keep us from making wrong decisions and help us make fulfilling choices. Dreams also offer spiritual connection and help us tap into a deep wisdom we may not even know we had.
In this talk, I will present five ways to work with your dreams so you can figure out what they are trying to tell you.
The talk will end with 15 minutes for your questions about dreams and dreaming.
I hope to see you there!